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Based in Fleet, Hampshire, we are a mixed voice choir which achieves a high-standard of singing as a non-auditioned choir. We perform four concerts each year across three terms running from September to July.


Our programme varies from stunning major choral works to satisfying chamber music programmes and the occasional light programme of popular numbers!


If you enjoy singing and have some previous experience (or simply a good ear for music!) then we would love you to join us!  


"Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty. What would life be? Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music, for giving it to me."


Listen to Us

We love to sing! It's what we do.

We have had some wonderful concerts and get togethers over the year and have been fortunate enough to record some of them!

We hope you enjoy our sound!

Join Us

Like a lot of choirs, we always have plenty of room to accommodate more male voices, but we are genuinely interested in hearing from anyone who would like to turn their Wednesday evening into Choir Night!


“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.” Confucius



2019-11 - English Choral Favourites.jpg
2017-07 - Ninebarrow - Poster.jpg

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